Monday, February 23, 2009

Shipping Costs

GreatGargoyles is a Wholesale/Retail site. It confuses people that when they place an order the invoice they see does not include shipping. Why is that? Well like i said we wholesale out products all over the United States. In the past we have spent hundreds of hours trying to figure out shipping method that work for everyone. And yes all those hours went to waste. On the large orders that we shipping by truck, to the very small orders that are shipped postal service, there is not one shipping method that works for everyone. Therefore, we have done what other major suppliers have done and deal with the shipping on an order by order basis. I realize some of our small retail customer are not used to this practice, but the "big players" understand it completely. Everyone must remember we do not make up the shipping nor do we apply any handling charges to any order. Our prices are very low, and to think that shipping these products for free is an option no way. I do admit that all shipping methods are expensive these days. So if you are a retail customer only ordering a ten dollar item, please expect ten dollars in shipping for the most part. I see it eveyday, customer orders a small order and the shipping is as much as the order. Well I hope this helps explain our shipping methods. Dennis

Monday, February 16, 2009

Hello everyone welcome to the greatgargoyle blog. I hope to hear from you and your wonderful ideas.